There’s a story about Michelangelo finding the work of art in the stone. Yesterday I was at First Lutheran downtown Nashville where I will be leading worship tomorrow. The best way to prepare for worship is to worship and it was beautiful time of solitude with my Beloved. Then this song came to me. I can’t really say I found it. It found me. I am hesitant to share it because it is new and raw and maybe unfinished. But then, so am I. May Life find the angel in you today.

How I experience peace
What is it about remembrance that is so powerful? It conjures up past.. Okay, so that’s logical. But there is another kind of remembering. Remembering the past is dangerous for its stale identifications. Even good memories can be bad for you if you deny the present. No, I’m talking about remembering truth, you know, like memorizing a great recipe, or a Bible verse, remembering to drink more water or call someone you love. That kind of remembering is present, not past. Remember like a river, like a sunrise, like a song. Remember like forever has no beginning or end. That kind of remembering dances with knowing; knowing that all is well and all shall be well; knowing that God’s got this, and I’m the this.